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Tender Moment

I know I said I wouldn't talk any more about the teeth, but this is relevant to today's post. So first of all I went to the Dentist today to get some answers. Most wisdom teeth extraction recoveries last a day or two. We are going on day 8 people. Mentally after the third day I was drained because I just was not expecting this. Yesterday I finally got answers from the dentist, answers that I'm really not sure why they took so long to get. Two of my teeth were impacted, and so the surgery was extremely extensive. The dentist had to pull back more gum and dig through more bone. Then, I got an infection a couple days later. Because of that infection, my mouth started to fight back and got really tense. So now my jaw is pretty tight & it hurts to even open up enough to eat soup. I have the right antibotics now so the swelling is lessening, but the pain is still pretty consistent . The dentist said that when I get my stitches out on Tuesday I will start to feel better, & then feel fully recovered in 3 weeks. Holy cow. This has been a mess.

There have been two difficult things about this experience, pain not even being one of them. The first and less, is the lack of food. My diet has consisted of ice cream and soup for the past 8 days. I will not be shocked if I shed tears of joy when I can eat any other type of substance. Rodrigo bought some pizza the other night & brought it home for himself (big mistake.) Tears came instantly, never in my life have I wanted anything so bad. This sounds extremely dramatic, but try being cut off from food for 8 days, it'll get to you!

The second & obviously more trying thing is my lack of connection & care of Camila. I have been a stay-at-home mom since Camila was born. I see her every day & she has only ever been away from me for tops 3 hours. Because of this recovery & rest, I have not been able to care for her. The medication makes me extremely drowsy & (for lack of a better term) drugged. I honesty feel a little slow, & lost. Rodrigo has been caring for her all day & I stay in my room bed ridden. I've come out more frequently to see her, but I can't get too close cause she likes to jump up on me and then she knocks my jaw which hurts sooooo bad. Yesterday Rodrigo had a very important conference call so I sat out in the living room & watched her from the sofa. Rodrigo was in her room & he shut the door. She walked over to the door & started crying, I went to grab her & bring her back over to her toys & she just kept walking over to the door! I felt like chopped liver :( She used to do that same thing, but to Rodrigo, & I would be on the other side of the door!

Anyway, today has been the best day because I've felt the best & have been able to be around her a lot more & play with her a little bit. I got new medication that allowed me to be more alert & less drowsy. I was having a hard time falling asleep tonight so Rodrigo held me for awhile & we talked for a couple of hours about everything & anything. At around 2:00 am he went to go check up on Camila (she's had a fever) & found that she had puked in her bed & was now laying in it. I ran to pick her up & layed with her on the couch while Rodrigo changed her bed sheets & got her new clothes. I put the new clothes on thinking that would be good but she still smelled like vomit. I was debating whether to wake her up & bathe her but she was so exhausted; it could wait until tomorrow. I just cuddled her & I felt such peace & happiness. I am aware that most people's ideal night is not to be wafting the lovely scent of throw-up into their nostrils, but for tonight it was ideal for me. It was a tender moment to hold her since I hadn't for so long & just feel so blessed to have her & Rodrigo. This obstacle of wisdom teeth has been super frustrating, but I was grateful for this moment of clarity to remember the important things.

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Catherine & Rodrigo 

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